3 Keys To Success~!

I know it's easier read than done, but I have found no matter what path I've chosen in life, whether it be music, beauty, business, life, or just relationships, following these three things will never fail you!


Following your intuition is key to success in all choices and decisions you are faced with.  You hear that saying "following your intuition will never steer you wrong"
If something feels wrong, it probably is.  
Remember, sometimes you need to let the dust settle before acting on a decision.  
Don't confuse following your intuition with making a decision based on emotions.


I didn't graduate with a four year college degree.  I started with two years of college, while debating to attend business school and continue to pursue Mann Theatres, or follow my dream and passion of music.  At that time, my music career was starting to take off, therefore music choose me!  
I think it's amazing, inspiring, and often necessary for those who dedicate four years or more to college.  Don't get me wrong, there is no doubt you absolutely need schooling/training for the profession you choose, however I have found in my experience I have learned some of the most important and valuable lessons and training from my successes and failures from the 12 years I lived in LA, pursuing music, as well as my 15 years in leadership roles with Mann Theatres and Sephora, which school would not have been able to teach me.  
You must be smart in getting a mix of experience with training/schooling for whatever passion you decide to make a living at.
You need strength to handle the rejection you'll receive during and after schooling.  
The more times you fall and get back up, the stronger and more resilient you become!


There is nothing more important than owning who you are and what you bring to the table.  Know your strengths and weaknesses.  Be self aware.
Although sometimes it's difficult to be transparent and honest, these are two key elements I attest to my successes, as well as my failures.
Honesty will never steer you wrong.  Integrity will leave the most lasting impression, and make you unforgettable.
Own who you are and what you're capable of, because there's no stronger power than being true to who you are.


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